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This is my one of favorite singer, JONAS BROTHERS!
They sing really good songs;) I love their songs a lot!
I always listen to their songs such as SOS or Hold on(this two are my very favorite!XD)
and...last time, My friend, Rina told me that Jonas brothers have appeared to Hannah Montana!!! and she said go and watch the video on youtube!
I saw...
It was....
they'er so hot!XD
I really wish I was Mileyy:D hehe
but anyways, I found that Jonas brother's show which is also in youtube.
It's really funny! Joe really funny guyy;D
I'm so sad that I'm living in Japan... many teenager in America go to see Jonas brothers or Miley's concert! and me....while they're watching their favorite singer, I'm doing homeworkk! sucks:(
I hope someday, I can go to America as a travel, and hope that I can shop a lot and can see Jonas brothers, Miley cyrus, or ZAC EFRONN!XD
America seems so exciting place;D



I can't finish my homeworkk:(
I got lots of homework this week but yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was just playing on my computer like watching youtube or checking my e-mail. and today! is a holiday in Japan, but...I don't think I can finish it within today:P
on the weekend or long long holiday like summer vacation, I don't know why but I don't go out so much and be lazyy!!!
that's why I can't finish it today also! hehe
but...promise,I will finish it today!(HOPE)



My school have started from yesterday!
I was so exciting to meet my friends:)
Yesterday, I had three English class and one modern Japanese class.
My modern Japanese classes was a last class for this year:( was bored! hehe
add today, I had three English classes like yesterday and one World Histry class.
Today was really fun!
I really enjoyed talking(making jokes) with my friends;D
oh...the bad things is I gor lots of homework...
I got a book which is "Gathering Blue" from Lois Lowry.
I have to read this book until 66 pages and have to do work sheet.
till this morning, I haven't read even 1page! (I got this book 2months ago:p oh, god!)
It takes about 2hours when I go and come back from the school.
within 2hours, I read about 30pages!
and....the due day of my homework is next week so I hope I can finish reading my book this week and work on my paper this weekend!
By the way, Gathering Blue is little bit difficult for me.
I mean I do understand the story but sometimes there are so many words that I don't know.
but anyways, as a story, this book is really interesting;)
I really enjoyed reading this book today!
Because I only have four hours a day, me and my classmates don't bring own lunch.
my school finish at 1:00...
and till I go back to home, it is about 2:30!
while I'm on the way to home, I don't eat nothing because I eat with my mom.
I usually get hungry at 12:00 but I don't have something to eat.
so till I go home, I'm all the way, STARVINGGG!!!!!!! so hungry!
anyways, had a lot of fun today too!
hope tomorrow will be more great day!



This is my favorite TV show, THE HILLS
The Hills is shown on MTV at Saturday night from 23:30.
My favorite celebrity, LC(5th pic) is in this!
she's sooooooo cute!XD
I can't miss every week's show!
In this TV program, it is showing LC's life.
LC and heidi are not in good relationaship and when I see that even it's on TV, I feel really bad:(
I don't like fighting or bad relationship between friends... is really hard to solve it but I hope they can be like before!'s easy saying from outside:(
If I had a same situation like LC, I will be like that too!
but anyways,,,it's LC's life!
and...after all my point is...this TV show is really fun!
that's all:p hehe



heyyz! It's 2008!
Happy New Year everyone!XD
I hope everyone can have a safety and great year;)
last year, for me,it was a really good year!
I challenged to many things such as English speech contest...which finally I couldn't pass:( but I just wanted to say something in my speech, so I'm really satisfied about that:)
also, my school festival was really sucks but I could make lots of friends in the school!!XD
it was really exciting;D
This year, I am going to graduate my high school and going to be a college student!
it will going to be really fun!!!XD
I'm so excited to meet new people:)
but I think I will gets a lot of homework either...that's really not excited! haha
but anyways, this year will be really fun for me;)
and also hope all of my friends can have a fun year!XD
see you!