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Looooong time no write! HA!
I've been having too much fun in my new part-time job these days:))
Well, today was the day off and I thought I should clean up some school stuffs. But of course I got bored and drew some stupid cartoon:P
I found my old homework.
just one word.
I cannot believe how much I wrote!
But yet, it's fun to look at those old stuffs and see how much you grew up!

My mom's patchwork books.
It's her hobby and she do very well.
Amaaazing job.
She's doing patchwork since I was 2 years old:))

study work of one year.
Light from my midnight.
I'm totally a nerd facing at computer in the midnight without turning on the lights.
Got hungry.....
Food Time!
I don't remember what for I boiled the water but I guess to boil my frozen vegetables.
Doing a paper homework and I couldn't even sleep 1 min because of this paper.
(Paper due was the next day)
But my cat! Jerry is sleeping in front of me.
I wish I was Jerry sleeping like 10 hours without caring about my homework.LOL
I loooooove Twix!
I got this from PLAZA (, the store which they have import stuffs like food, stationary, and other stuffs!
I bought this like in Christmas season, so I don't know if they sell now:((
I hate that Japan don't import Twix:((
My laptop!
Now my background is Trace Cyrus playing guitar!XD
New lights in my room!

My cat, Jerry who always take contented sleep while I'm doing my homework and even I cannot sleep that day.
But still lovely little brother of mine:))

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