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She is my favorite actress!!!
Her acting is very good and I like her English!!!
I like UK English!!!
She appeared on many good movie.
For example, "Bend it like a Beckham" and "Pirates of the caribbean".
This two movie is my favorite movie!!!
I will introduce this two movie after but I really want to recomend this movies!!!
In Japan, she appeard at the commercial which is hair shampoo, "Lux".
That time, she had very long hair!!!
very very very beautiful!!!!!!!
She is young but she have very good ability!!!
This is her website(In English)

1 comment:

namaketarou said...

Hi! First,I'm so sorry to late to visit here!
I haven't seen my blog sine returned to UK...
And thanx to visiting by bad blog!

By the way..

I like ANGELINA JOLIE too! she is so cute and excellent!! i think!

Also i like KEIRA KNIGHTLEY..!!
PIRATE OF CARIBBEAN was caused to love her!!(ELIZABETH!)

See you tommorow~!!(/・ω・)/