My Hobbyyy!
Is a Collage!
HAHAHA stupid way of announcing something.
I clip any magazines that I bought.
I don't clip it until I feel bored of that magazine and feel like I don't need them anymore.
I like making collage but I don't make that much so these days, I'm just clipping too much that my files are getting fat:D
I got this heart candy photo album from my friend as a birthday gift last year and I haven't done anything on it so I started doing some collage:))

I used to read m magazine and subscribed for 1 year so I got 12 issues at home which I clipped only like 3 issues.9 issues left!
But I also clipped out from some other Japanese fashion magazines or gossip magazines...
so it's a lot ne:))
I always make collage birthday card to my friends:))This card was for my best friend who likes Disney Land, Disney Channel Stars, Jesse McCartney, Teddy Bear, Doggy, and she also like Colors so I added some yellow, pink, light blue and stuffs:))
This card was also for my another besties:))She likes Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron veeeerry much!
She also loves LA and Hip-Hop kind of stuffs so I made it like a rock-maybe-hiphop kind of card.LOL
This was for my friend who bought 4 pairs of boots and send it to me from USA because my feet is too big that I can't find shoes in Japan.LOLLadies size in Japan is basically until 24.5cm.
My foot size is 25.5cm which is almost like a man! (US size is about 10, UK is 7 I guess, and 40 for Europe size)
There are some stores that is selling big-foot-shoes but it will cost like 10000yen or more than that per pairs.
I'm a student. It's rediculous to spend 10000yen on one pair of shoes.
So I ordered my friend to buy it for me from the Wet Seal and Charlot Russe:))
So this card was a Thank You Card for my sweet friend:))
This is a birthday card to my friend who is now in New Zealand for her study.She's not at all Rock Chic, but sorry I was too selfish and I had so many clipped images of black, silver, rocker stuffs, so I made a rockin' birthday card:P
I hope she liked it though.