Well, I found that mixed race people(hafu) is really becoming popular in Japan! One time, Vivi magazine published their new issue with only using hafu models(1st pic). In that cover page, 4 girls are half Americans(3) and Canadian and there are no hafu people with black. I don't know well about Japanese TV recently because I don't watch it that much...but I know that Aoyama Teruma and Jero(quarter) are mixed with blacks. Both of them are famous with their music:)
oh and I don't know why, but these days, Nicole Richie is really popular between Japanese girls. I always see Nicole on several magazine's cover page in convenience store.haha Many young age girls say that they get the fashion idea from Nicole's fashion and many of them say their favorite hollywood celeb is Nicole Richie! I don't know what is happening here...but Nicole Richie is turning to a really good business here!hahaaa
3rd picture is the cover page of "Ageha" magazine. well, as you can see, there are no models with black hair and they are way too far from Japanese looking. They color their hair to blonde or brown and they always introduce makeups which can make one's eyes bigger. They also look really white and there are no models who are single eye lid. I saw most of the magazine's cover, but I really couldn't find any model with single eye lid-everyone has double eye lid. I'm still on my way to research more of this but I have found one Japanese quote that says "Even you have problems in your face, if you are white, that whiteness will cover your problems" (色の白いは七難かくす). I guess there is a norm of white=beautiful in Japan for really looooong time!
I will post in near future if I found anything else that seems interesting;)