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Debby Ryan-HairStyle

I love her heavy bangs with this brown straight hair! Her black hair band is making her hair cuter:))
I like her hair color! It's a mixture of dark brown, brown, and blonde! cute highlights!
The color is beautiful and I like the loose curl! It can be with boyish style like skater fashion or with casual girly style:))
色も茶色でかわいいけど、このゆるい巻き髪もかわいいDebby★! ボーイッシュなファッションとかカジュアルなファッションに似合う髪形だよねっ!
When I braid up my hair, it will be like a nerd or country girl but if you just add the hair accessory like Debby is doing, it's really cute:))
yayyy the loose curly hair with the cap! This is soooooo cute:)) and I love her shirt-it's not too boyish. このゆる巻きな髪型はあたしのお気に入り:)) キャップに合わせれば、ボーイッシュなスタイルにも似合うし、B系なファッションにも合っていいよね★)) Debbyが着ているシャツもゆるめでかわいい♪))